• Medical Practice
  • GP Clinic
  • Family Physician
  • General Medical Practice
  • Children’s Health and Immunisations
  • Adolescent Health Services
  • Women’s Health & Shared Obstetric Care
  • Men’s Health
  • Health Assessments
  • Skin Cancer Checks
  • Vaccination Clinic for Adults and Children
  • Pre-employment Medical
  • Chronic Disease Management
  • Health Assessments

Home visits are an integral part of our service. These are appropriate for patients who suffer chronic physical conditions which prevent them from attending at the surgery or are acutely unwell and unable to attend the clinic.

Patients are encouraged to contact the clinic before midday, when possible, if a home visit is needed.

The decision to visit will be based on the grounds of medical urgency, as determined by the doctor or nurse.

As of the 1 January 2022, our After Hours service will come to an end, please find attached letter that explains the reasoning behind this.

For those patients who do need after-hours medical advice, these are the options available:

  • Nurse on call 1300 60 60 24 (Free service)
  • North East Health Emergency Department 35-47 Green St, Wangaratta (Free Service)
  • For medical emergencies call the ambulance service on 000.

Phillipson Street Clinic encourages our clinical staff to utilise available services to achieve positive outcomes for our patients, this will include medical specialists, consultants, surgeons, allied health professionals and local council.

Patients will be made aware of the costs and charges involved in referral to another service.

When doctors give advice or treatment options, there is no obligation for the patient to comply, and the patient is free to accept or reject the advice.

Doctors at Phillipson Street Clinic will provide appropriate information and encourage patients to discuss options and therefore assist them to make their own decisions.

Our doctors encourage patients to be frank and honest in giving information about their health which will assist in best possible outcomes.

At Phillipson Street Clinic we acknowledge patients have the right to seek medical care of their choice.

Requests by a patient for the transfers of the medical records shall be promptly attended to.

A summary of clinical notes and copies of relevant specialist letters, reports and investigations may be sent to the medical practitioner of their choice.

Our practice is committed to preventative care. We may issue you with a reminder notice from time to time offering you preventative health services appropriate to your care. If you do not wish to be part of this system please let us know at reception and this can, if you wish, be documented in your medical record.

If you are unable to attend your appointment please notify the clinic as soon as possible. Failure to attend an appointment without sufficient prior notice may incur a fee, particularly if this has happened before. This decision is at the discretion of the Doctor.

Please be aware – the appointment you do not cancel may be an appointment used by another patient.

Clinical test and results are sighted and acknowledged by doctors and actioned accordingly. For all test results and investigative procedures, please phone the clinic after 10am daily. Any abnormalities that require urgent attention, you will be contacted by your doctor, or clinic staff and given further instructions. We encourage all patients to call to check their results, to ensure that their result is not missed.

If you have any concerns regarding the care you have received from this clinic, please discuss this with your doctor, the practice nurse or the practice manager.

If there is an issue you wish to discuss with the Government Complaint Body please contact:

Heath Services Commissioner
10th Floor, 55 Swanston Street, Melbourne 3000
Phone 03 9655 5200

Your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice to maintain the security of personal health information at all times to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff.

Information is collected relating to the patients health, past medical/surgical history, regular medication, allergies, demographic data such as date of birth, address, gender, Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander status, country of birth, and medicare card details.

Information is collected for:

  • Administrative purposes in running our medical practice
  • Billing purposes, including compliance with Medicare
  • Disclosure to others involved in your healthcare including treating doctors and specialists outside this medical practice. This may occur through referral to other doctors, or for medical tests and in the reports or results returned to us following referral.
  • Disclosure to other doctors in the practice, for the purpose of patient care and teaching.
  • For research and quality assurance activities to improve individual and  community health care and practice management. Usually information that does not identify you is used but should information that will identify you be required you will be informed and given the opportunity to ‘opt out’ of any involvement.
  • To comply with any legislative or regulatory requirements e.g. notifiable diseases.
  • The practice maintains the security information held at the practice by both appropriate paper and computer storage.
  • The people within the practice team (GP’s, practice manager, practice nurse and receptionists) may have access to patient health records and the scope of that access is restricted according to the appropriate requirement for staff accessing medical records.

For patients wishing to gain access to their own health information they need to contact the clinic:

  • The process of providing health information to another health practice should be via a signed patient transfer form from the health practice.
  • Patient health information may be used for quality assurance, research and professional development.
  • Informing new patients about privacy arrangements is discussed with the patient and they are given a copy of the privacy policy and collection statement if requested. The practice addresses complaints about privacy related matters by referring the complaints through the normal complaints procedure.
  • The main consequence for the individual if important health information is not provided is that best management of that patient cannot be performed.

Prior to a patient signing consent to the release of their health information, patients are made aware they can request a full copy of our privacy policy and collection statement.